Let's face it, we've all seen medical device companies train and develop with recycled PowerPoints and disorganized field training. I know, because that's how I was trained. Having thrived as a Sales Rep and Sales Trainer, I recognized that there wasn't always a strong connection between Sales, Marketing, and Training. When asked to
Let's face it, we've all seen medical device companies train and develop with recycled PowerPoints and disorganized field training. I know, because that's how I was trained. Having thrived as a Sales Rep and Sales Trainer, I recognized that there wasn't always a strong connection between Sales, Marketing, and Training. When asked to take on Global Training for a Major Fortune 500 medical device company, I committed myself to finding a way to build effective training through a coalition of key stakeholders and subject matter experts (SMEs). Being then asked to launch a training organization for a start-up acquisition with nothing more than a handful of internal R&D engineers, I had to grow fast with limited resources. In short, I've been there and I can help you navigate the challenges! Let's discuss your needs and together build a plan for success!
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Successful training teams ask successful reps what to do. It's that simple. At every sales job I've had, my first calls were to the reps that sold the most. What did you do, and how did you do it. It's money in the bank! Keep Reading... https://trainincconsulting.wordpress.com/2017/08/09/rebuilding-training-ask-your-experts
I totally get it most companies build a training plan so that they can get sales and technical reps into the field making money. Selling and supporting the business is what the company is there for, typically. But what about selling and supporting (developing) the people you are sending out to represent your company? Keep Reading... https://trainincconsulting.wordpress.com/2017/08/01/im-trained-now-develop-me
Twenty-Eight PowerPoint™ presentations each with fifty to one hundred slides. That's twenty-one HUNDRED slides, and that's what my last training program review started with.Seriously, when I sat down with the training team, the first admission was that trainees would come for their first week of BASIC training, sit in their meeting room chairs, while the facilitators read and discussed the content of each of those content packed slide decks.You've been, there right?
Keep Reading... https://trainincconsulting.wordpress.com/2017/07/26/powerpoint-me-to-a-different-classroomplease
Every time I went through sales training, I would receive 6 to 10 training binders (those 3" beasts, of course) shipped home via Fed Ex or smashed into my luggage on the way home from training. Then, thrown into my trunk for my Pre-Call Planning (for the first six months in the field I intermittently used them, but eventually they became too nconvenient, and I never opened them again).
Keep Reading... https://trainincconsulting.wordpress.com/2017/07/05/mobile-learning-technology-the-evolutionnot-revolution
Sales, Marketing and Training leadership have all struggled with this scenario for as long as there have been products to sell!The problem is what to do about it!
Keep Reading... https://trainincconsulting.wordpress.com/2017/06/29/dont-underthink-your-product-launchrelaunch
We've all seen it, or worse, been part of it. You, or someone you know is REALLY good at doing their job, or knowing a product or process, and they get asked to train the new hire. They're handed a slide deck, and maybe use of the conference room, and "voila", they are the mentors for the future success of the company. That's NOT a good strategy, and we all know it! The truth is, being a SME doesn't mean we are prepared to be "effective" trainers.
Keep Reading... https://trainincconsulting.wordpress.com/2017/06/20/subject-matter-experts-smes-are-not-always-effective-trainers
How do you guarantee Sales, Product, and Clinical training are successful? Involve ALL key stakeholders!
Many times, medical device training looks to equip sales and clinical representatives with the basic facts of what a product is, what it does and how much to sell it for. Very seldom does the training reflect what to do with that information, when and why.
Keep Reading... https://trainincconsulting.wordpress.com/2017/06/15/first-blog-post